Hey gang, Rob here. It is the evening of 3 July 2013, the eve of Independence Day. I thought this would be a good night for a good old-fashioned knife review, so congratulations or condolences, you have stumbled into what could be a long and complicated discussion of a knife I think is pretty darn cool. It is the Lion Steel SR 1a. I'm gonna get started right away and take you into some background of this knife as best I could research and understand it. For most of us Americans of limited mental capacity, it's kind of a murky picture. Here's what I know, and if what I know is wrong and somebody knows different and has better information during the course of this review, please weigh in in the comments because I would love to hear it. Here's the best understanding I can give you of how this knife came to be, who did it, where they're from. Of course, the manufacturer is Lion Steel. I guess, not unlike American knife companies over the last couple hundred years, knife companies in Europe and Italy also seemed to come and go and morph from one name into another and guys have associations and they change them. But, best I can tell, Lion Steel is a family-owned cutlery company founded in the 60s by the Pauletta family. Currently operated by Gianni Pauletta, a great knife designer in his own right. Not only do they produce their own brand of Lion Steel knives, they also have worked with our YP on the DPX HEST series of knives. They have been a contract manufacturer for other people's designs over the last decade or so. Now, this series of knives, the SR 1 series, are not designed by Gianni. They are designed by...
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How to fill out sr-1a Form: What You Should Know
How to File a Cancer Crash Report The only way to file a report for a California car accident is with this form. It will require you to give the DMV and/or law-enforcement the name of the vehicle involved and the name of the owner. You can choose to remain as “Unidentified” and the report will need to be verified after this. For your safety, be as specific and specific as possible, by answering only the questions below. Make sure to check all questions if the accident took place in California! For a Car Accident: What was the accident? What type of accident happened? When, where and how did the accident occur? When was the accident? Who was in the car at the time it occurred? How long was the motorist in the car? Who was driving? Who drove home? When did a collision take place? Who was at fault for the accident? Did someone die as a result of the accident? Who was in the car with the driver at the time of the accident? How long did he/she stay in the car? Where did they stay after the accident? What kind of vehicle was involved? Why did the accident occur? What kind of vehicle is involved when the driver is not present? What type of vehicle or condition was present when the accident occurred? What injuries did the people involved suffer? Do you know if anyone was seriously injured or killed in the accident? Was there any property damage in the accident? How much property damage did the victims suffered? How much damage did the car wreck consist of? Who can you contact to file a claim for the damages? Who must you report injuries to? (if he/she is not a driver) How many damage claims must you file? For an Accident Due to Injuries: Who injured whom? Have you already filed an accident report? How many reports were involved in the accident? How many people suffered injuries in the accident? Did anyone in your car, truck or van cause these injuries? How long does it take (days, weeks, months) to complete the process of filing and verifying your insurance claim for the accident? How to File an SR-1 After the Accident After filing your report, complete all the steps in the SR-1 Instructions: Fill out the SR-1 Application and submit in paper form. Make sure to fill out all the questions (otherwise, your registration may be denied).
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